Past Clients: The David Suzuki Foundation Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society WWF-Canada Heiltsuk First Nation Tsleil-Waututh First Nation |
PublicationsRao, A. 2020. One Earth: People of color protecting our planet. Orca: Victoria.
Rao, A. 2017. Rescuing wildlife in the Garden City – 7 reasons why wildlife is on the decline around Bangalore. Eartha. April 13. (Originally published in The Alternative, March 2015.) Rao, A.S. 2015. Making our coasts work: healthy oceans, healthy economies, healthy communities. David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society and WWF-Canada, Vancouver. Rao, A.S., R.S. Gregory, G. Murray, D.W. Ings, E.J. Coughlan and B.H. Newton. 2014. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) locations in Newfoundland & Labrador. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3113 Rao, A. 2014. Sustainable Howe Sound (stories). David Suzuki Foundation. Rao, A.S., P.A.R. Hockey and W. Montevecchi. 2014. Coastal dispersal by pre-breeding African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini. Marine Ornithology 42: 105-112. Rao, A.S. 2014. Protecting your coastal community’s assets: local leadership in marine planning. David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society and WWF Canada: Vancouver. Rao, A.S. and K.M. Bodtker. 2014. Committing to effective marine protected areas. David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society and WWF Canada: Vancouver. Rao, A.S. 2014. Safeguarding B.C.'s coastal waters: marine protected areas for fishing, tourism and communities. David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society and WWF Canada: Vancouver. Rao, A.S. 2014. Marine protected areas 101: key design principles of MPAs. David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society and WWF Canada: Vancouver. Rao, A.S. 2014. BC Parks shoreline sensitivity to sea level rise model: user guide. BC Ministry of Environment. Rao, A. 2014. Ribbons for riches: thank eelgrass for our food and safety. The Independent. 22 May. Rao, A. 2014. Koblavi Senior. aaduna 4(1). Rao, A. 2013. How outdoor education changed my life. Pathways Journal. 25(3): 23-25. Rao, A. 2012. Being blue whale wise. Wild Whales: BC Cetacean Sightings Network. Rao, A. 2011. Diary from Robson Bight. Wild Whales: BC Cetacean Sightings Network. Rao, A. 2011. Food on the Rock. Alternatives Journal 37(2): 16. Rao, A.S. and D.Y. Agyeman. 2010. Lest the creek run dry. Women and Environments International Magazine 82/83: 16-18. Rao, A.S. 2010. From business suits to grassroots: making change can mean changing from within. iAM Perspectives on Global Change - Ontario Council for International Cooperation 1(1): 4-7. Rao, A. 2010. Too much plastic… Wild Whales: BC Cetacean Sightings Network. Rao, A. and C. Birdsall. 2009. Songs of the ocean. Wild Whales: BC Cetacean Sightings Network. Rao, A. 2009. Ship strikes threaten fin whales. Wild Whales: BC Cetacean Sightings Network. Rao, A. 2009. Shopping bags and sea turtles. Wild Whales: BC Cetacean Sightings Network. Rao, A. 2009. Six big ways to work for a smaller world: #3. Work or volunteer for a conservation initiative. Briarpatch 38(4): 32-33. Rao, A., Outhouse, L.-A. and D. Gregory. 2009. Special marine areas in Newfoundland and Labrador: areas of interest in our marine backyards. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society: St. John’s, NL. Rao, A. 2008. How clean is your garden soil? Sounds Like Canada. CBC Radio. 9 September. Rao, A. 2008. Sand sentries. The Telegram (St. John’s). 26 January. Rao, A.S. 2007. Eelgrass conservation for disaster prevention. The Osprey 38(4): 105-109. Rao, A.S. 2007. What Makes a Project Work? A comparison of two mangrove restoration projects in Ada, Ghana. Mangrove Action Project News, 188th ed., 19 August. Rao, A.S. 2007. Restoration Success Stories from Ghana. Mangrove Action Project News, 187th ed., 23 July. Rao, A. 2007. Are you a Newfoundlander? The Telegram (St. John’s). 31 January, p.B1. Rao, A. 2007. Help us map Newfoundland eelgrass. Sierra Club of Canada Atlantic Canada Chapter, Northeast Avalon Group Newsletter 1(Fall): 2. Rao, A. 2006. The importance of being eelgrass. The Telegram (St. John’s). 9 September, p. B1. Rao, A.S. 2005. From corner to corner: shorebird lessons. The Osprey 36(3): 60-61. Rao, A. 2001. Nos voix sages, solidaires en jeunes âges: Young and wise, united we rise. TransCanada Free Press. October. Rao, A.S., and M.J. Risk. 1999. Taking the extra step: Research methods for assessing the social implications of an MPA management plan. Indonesian Journal of Coastal and Marine Resources (Jurnal Pesisir dan Lautan) 2(3): 1-7. Rao, A. 1999. Life and death in Togo. in World Voices. Har du 2 sekunder? Oslo: Akribe. Rao, A., Herbert, Y., Qualman, S., Lindsay, H. and S. O’Keefe. 1999. Policies for the development of sustainable campuses: SYC resource package. A. Rao, ed. Sierra Youth Coalition: Ottawa, 61pp. (In English and French) Edinger, E.N., Azhar, I., Rao, A., Bachtiar, T., Risk, M.J. 1997. Coral reef conservation and coral biodiversity in Central Java, Indonesia. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual meeting, Boston, MA, January 1998. American Zoologist 37(5): 166A. |